General Terms and Conditions of Business (AGB) of WU ZBP Career Center GmbH for Companies

§ 1 Scope of application:

These General Terms and Conditions of Business (“AGB”) shall apply to any and all contracts concluded between WU ZBP Career Center GmbH (“ZBP”) and companies pursuant to §1 para 1 fig. 1 KSchG (“Customers”). Separate terms shall apply for participation in Career Calling, the career fair (co-)organized by ZBP as well as Lange Nacht der Unternehmen (Long Night of Companies).

These AGB shall also apply to usage by Customers of the online platform (“ZBP Career Platform”) operated by ZBP.

General terms of business of Customers contradicting the present AGB shall be invalid in their entirety, irrespective of when or how they are communicated to ZBP.

Oral or deviating written agreements shall only be valid if confirmed in writing by ZBP Management. If special arrangements that deviate from these AGB are made for an order, such arrangements will expire upon completion of said order and shall not apply to any further transactions.

The AGB shall also apply to any future business relationship with the Customer without the need for another explicit reference on the part of ZBP. Any changes in Terms and Conditions shall take effect when ZBP announces their validity and posts them on its website (

Any gender-specific expressions used in these AGB shall be taken to be gender-neutral and always address all genders equally.

§2 Offers and Conclusion of contracts:

Offers by ZBP are always made without engagement unless they are specifically made out to be binding in writing. Contracts shall only come into effect upon written order confirmation, submission of invoice, or provision of services. This shall also apply to booking products online via ZBP Career Platform.

The Customer shall be bound by inquiries or offers for one week after they are received at ZBP unless a longer commitment period has been agreed or is customary, or the Customer has specifically stated a shorter commitment period in the inquiry or the offer.

If the content of the order confirmation by ZBP deviates from the inquiry or the offer, the contract shall be deemed concluded pursuant to the confirmation by ZBP unless the Customer objects within 3 days.

§3 Prices, Maturity, Default:

Prices: Unless agreed otherwise in writing, the prices stated on ZBB Career Platform or in the product documentation or specific offers shall apply. Any prices are quoted by ZBP net, in euros, without VAT or any applicable charges and fees.

In the event of any unforeseeable extraordinary cost increases (e.g., for personnel, third-party services, or exchange rate fluctuations), ZBP shall have the right to adjust prices accordingly.

Maturity: The consideration shall be due and payable immediately upon receipt of invoice. ZBP shall have the right to submit invoices before the provision of services.

Default: In the case of default, interest on arrears shall become due at a rate of 8% pa (regardless of fault). In the event of a reminder, ZBP shall furthermore have the right to charge a processing fee of EUR30 per reminder. Moreover, the Customer shall be liable for related and appropriate collection costs.

In the event of default, ZBP shall also have the right to suspend the provision of services until receipt of full payment or withdraw from the contract if a written reminder proves unsuccessful. The suspension of the provision of services shall not affect the existing contract (in particular the term of the contract).

Consequences of default for Partners: If a Customer has entered into a Partnership and failed to pay the related fee by the end of February of the year in question, the regular prices shall apply for the duration of the default instead of the reduced partner prices for Partners. Likewise, no free services under the Partnership can be used for the duration of the default.

Invoicing: If ZBP issues its invoice to someone other than the Customer after conclusion of the contract, this shall generally not be deemed a change in the contractual partner nor, in particular, any discharge of the Customer of its payment obligations. If the ZBP invoice is sent to a third party, this shall constitute consent only to such party’s assumption of debt, but not to any transfer of the contract.

Please ensure that the invoice address is correct. A subsequent change of the invoice address, if still possible, will be charged with EUR 25 net.

§4 Subject matter

Marketing and recruitment activities: ZBP offers its Customers products and services in connection with marketing and recruitment activities such as job ads, search assignments, career events, and personnel marketing. Current products and services are shown on the ZBP website as well as ZBP Career Platform.

Events and fairs: ZBP allows Customers the organization of, and the participation in, fairs and other events that bring together students and graduates as well as potential employers and service providers in the areas of job orientation and career start.

ZBP Career Platform: ZBP Career Platform contains profiles of companies and students as well as graduates of institutions of tertiary educations who use or are interested in various services of ZBP in the areas of job orientation, career start, job changes, and career planning and have registered on ZBP Career Platform (“Students and Graduates” or “Users”). ZBP Career Platform contains a job exchange with a focus on business and business law as well as an event management section with search and archive functions. Using ZBP Career Platform, Customers can design and place job ads, create profiles, or book promotion packages for career events.

ZBP Community: On the ZBP Career Platform, Customers can also utilize an online communication platform (“ZBP Community”). Participation in the ZBP Community is possible once ZBP has activated the account for this function and the Customer has joined this Community. There is no legal entitlement to activation or participation in the ZBP Community.

Partnership ZBP offers its Customers cheaper access to certain products and services when they purchase a Partnership. The scope of services and the types of Partnership (basic/premium/supreme) can be found on the ZBP website and on ZBP Career Platform.

§5 Provision of services by ZBP:

Performance periods: ZBP shall perform contractual obligations within a reasonable period of time. Any performance periods stated are generally not binding unless ZBP confirms the binding nature of such periods in writing. Performance periods shall be extended by a grace period to be agreed from time to time if the Customer fails to cooperate as agreed.

In case of non-binding performance periods, ZBP shall be in default only after the Customer has urged delivery and sets a reasonable grace period, such period expires without success, and the other legal requirements in this regard are met. The Customer shall in any case accept minor delays without any claim for damages or termination right accruing.

Services by ZBP are always performed subject to suppliers of ZBP performing correctly and on time. ZBP shall not be at fault for any delays or defaults caused by a supplier of ZBP without any contribution by ZBP.

Force majeure: ZBP shall not be liable for any delays in performance due to force majeure or similar circumstances beyond ZBP’s control arising after conclusion of the contract, such as strikes or government ordinances, even if they occur at suppliers of ZBP. In such cases, the performance deadline shall be extended by the duration of the disruption plus a reasonable start-up time, but by no more than six months. After expiry of such period, both parties are entitled to consequently withdraw from the contract. The same shall apply if a party suffers material disadvantages as a result of the delay.

Partial performance: ZBP is entitled to provide partial performance to the extent this can reasonably be accepted by the Customer. If partial performance is permitted, ZBP shall have the right to issue partial invoices.

Delay caused by Customer: If the performance of a contractual (partial) service is delayed at the Customer’s request or as a result of the Customer’s failure to provide the required contributions, if the Customer does not take delivery of the contractually owed (partial) service, or if the (partial) service is not performed because of a delay in payment on the part of the Customer, ZBP shall be entitled to demand compensation for the additional effort arising as a result. This shall not affect ZBP’s options to withdraw from the contract or claim damages.

§6 Customer’s duties of cooperation:

If and to the extent the validity or the performance of a contract require certain permits, licenses (e.g., for the use of copyrighted works), expert opinions, or similar, the Customer shall obtain such unless explicitly agreed otherwise.

Moreover, the Customer is obliged to perform in time any and all contributory measures owed under the contract or according to bona fide principles, in particular such acts as the transmission of images, the release of print orders, or the cooperation in events.

§7 Special conditions for Partnerships

Start, term, termination: The Partnership shall be valid for the ongoing calendar year independently of the time of entry, and shall then be renewed for an indefinite period of time. Termination of the Partnership or a switch from basic to premium or supreme Partnership can be effected at the end of each year and shall be communicated to ZBP in writing no less than a month in advance, thus no later than by November 30 (date of receipt). All claims to benefits resulting from a partnership are valid for the respective calendar year for which the partnership was concluded and lose their validity thereafter, even if they were not claimed.

Annual adjustment of services and/or prices: ZBP shall have the right to adjust prices or services applicable to subsequent years from time to time if those changes are communicated to the Customer no later than October 31 and the Customer does not terminate the Partnership by November 30.

§8 Special conditions for ads:

Customer base: Job ads can only be placed by Customers if they advertise jobs in their own company for students and graduates. Job ads for other companies or ads of companies that advertise jobs in a network marketing operation in the financial services sectors shall not be allowed.

Content of ads, duty to report defects: The Customer shall bear the sole responsibility for the content of their ads. The Customer shall examine the ads published by ZBP after their first publication and report any defects within 24 hours. If the Customer fails to give such notice of defect, publication by ZBP as published shall be deemed approved.

Links, search profiles: Job ads may contain a link to the Customer’s website, but must not contain any links to websites of other companies or career platforms. Only one search profile shall be published per job ad.

Required information: All job ads shall comply with legal regulations, in particular with regard to mandatory salary information as well as gender-neutral wording. The Customer shall hold ZBP harmless and indemnified in case ads do not meet the legal requirements.

Period and time of publication of ads: Ads will be published within 48 hours (not counting Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) of conclusion of the contract. Ads are contracted for a publication period of 6 weeks (Internships and Part-Time Student Jobs) and 9 weeks (Jobs for Graduates and Young Professionals). If the Customer takes an ad offline prior to the expiry of 6 or 9 weeks respectively, this shall not lead to a reduction in price.

Changes to ads: At the Customer’s request, ZBP will modify job the Customer’s job ads during the publication period to the extent this is technically and reasonably possible. Excluded from the above shall be any changes that would change the identity of the ad in a manner that would lead to a new job being advertised rather than the original one. Any changes that can be effected with little effort will be made free of charge. For any other changes, ZBP will submit to the Customer an offer for making such changes.

§9 Special provision for search assignments (direct search):

Scope of services: For search assignments, ZBP shall perform the search services agreed with the Customer in accordance with the order confirmation. Such services may include designing and/or placing an ad, reviewing the Career Platform for suitable applicants, addressing suitable persons, and preselecting interested applicants.

Changes to search assignments: The requirements profile agreed upon order placement cannot subsequently be changed by the Customer. In the event of a change to the requirements profile, a new search assignment must be ordered and paid for.

Establishing contact with applicants: In order to increase the chances of success of a search assignment, the Customer undertakes to contact those applicants which are named by ZBP within 10 days.

Settlement: 2/3 of the agreed fee will be invoiced by WU ZBP Career Center upon confirmation of the order and is due immediately. This part of the price is also owed if the agreed search measures have not led to success and no profiles of interested applicants matching the predefined search criteria of the customer could be found.

One third of the agreed price will be invoiced by WU ZBP Career Center upon sending at least one résumé meeting the predefined search criteria and is due immediately at that time.

§10 Special provisions for events and fairs:

Participation: Participation in events and fairs shall be open only to Customers wanting to advertise themselves as employers of university graduates. Companies advertising jobs for other employers or jobs in a network marketing operation in the financial services sectors shall not be admitted. ZBP shall decide on admission at its own discretion.

Allocation of areas and rooms: Exhibition space and rooms at events and fairs shall be allocated by ZBP. ZBP reserves the right to deviate from the confirmation and allocate to the Customer exhibition space and rooms in different locations, change the size of their exhibition space and rooms, and make any other structural changes.

House rules and other regulations: Any contracts concerning the organization of or the participation in events and fairs shall be subject to the house rules of the event venue. Any regulations regarding stand set-up, fire safety, and other safety-related and organizational aspects of the event shall also become part of the contract. Surveys and the distribution of brochures, flyers, samples, etc. by the Customer have to be approved by ZBP and shall only be allowed within the areas allocated to the Customer.

Exclusion of liability: ZBP shall not assume any liability for exhibits, equipment, and furnishings, and excludes any liability for damage to said items also for its employees to the extent this is legally possible. Furthermore, ZBP shall exclude any liability - as far as legally possible - for damage incurred by the Customer as a result of erroneous information on the allocation of rooms or promotional areas, changes in communication, branding, or other defective services.

Reservation of Right of Modification: ZBP shall reserve the right to cancel or reschedule fairs and other events up to 21 days after the end of registration for such event. Once this period has expired, ZBP will cancel or reschedule events only for material reasons. The Customer shall be informed of any changes immediately and notified of alternative offers. If the Customer does not want to accept alternative offers, it shall be entitled to demand a refund of any payment already made. In any case, ZBP shall not be liable for any consequential expenses incurred by the Customer following cancellation or rescheduling of an event.

§11 Special provisions for using ZBP Career Platform:

Cooperation and reporting duties: The Customer is obliged to notify ZBP forthwith of any noticeable defects, damage, or malfunction of ZBP Career Platform and to take all reasonable measures that make it easier and quicker to detect such defects or damage and remedy such malfunction.

Respectful conduct: The Customer undertakes to engage in peaceful and respectful conduct with all members of the ZBP Community.

Purpose of profile: Using the profile as well as other functions of the ZBP Career Platform by Customers for any purpose other than trying to establish an employment contract for positions actually available in their company shall be prohibited.

Access to profiles of students and graduates (“User Profiles”): After activation by ZBP, Customers will be able to access the profiles of users who have registered for a specific event by the Customer or have applied in response to an ad by the Customer and - following payment of the agreed consideration and for the term of the agreed period - the Customer will be able to access all User Profiles of the Career Platform and filter them by certain criteria. Access will be possible only to the profiles of those users who have consented to the use of their data.

Access to User Profiles will be granted to the Customer by assigning an access code (user ID, password). For each access code, access to the Profiles shall be granted only to one natural person whose name has to be communicated to ZBP.

No transfer of information: Passing on any information from the Career Platform, in particular User Profiles, to third parties shall be prohibited.

Protection of access data. The Customer undertakes to safeguard the access codes for access to the ZBP Career Platform, in particular the details for using the ZBP Community and accessing User Profiles, from any third party and shall be responsible for any improper use of access by third parties if the above obligation is not met.

Profile data: The Customer shall bear the sole responsibility for the accuracy of the profile data it has registered.

No violation of third-party rights and applicable law: The Customer undertakes not to publish and profile components, ads, or other contributions that violate the rights of third parties or applicable law, in particular intellectual property rights, generally accepted principles of morality, or criminal provisions.

Consequently, the following shall be specifically prohibited: Use of protected marks as user name (nickname); publication of offensive or untrue content; distribution of spam via the system; taking any action that violates or intends to violate system or network security (e.g.,  providing unauthorized access or introducing a virus); taking anticompetitive measures; multiple instances of identical postings (prohibition of double postings); publication of press articles without the required consent of the author; advertising without the explicit written approval by ZBP; publication of homepage URLs as well as address or contact data outside the User Profile.

Review duty: The Customer undertakes to review any contributions prior to publication as to whether they contain information they do not want to publish. Contributions can be found by search engines and may thus be accessed worldwide. Any claim against ZBP to delete or correct such search engine entries shall be excluded.

Indemnification: In the event ZBP is held liable for possible legal violations resulting from contributions posted by the Customer and/or use of the services of ZBP by the Customer, the Customer undertakes to indemnify ZBP against any and all claims and reimburse ZBP for any costs resulting from such possible legal violation.

In particular, ZBP shall be indemnified for any necessary legal defense and is entitled to demand an adequate advance payment from the Customer. The Customer is obliged to support ZBP in its legal defense against third parties to the best of its ability by providing information and documents  This shall not affect any rights of ZBP beyond the above, including claims for damages. If a Customer is not responsible for the possible legal violation, the obligations named above do not exist.

Reservation of Right of Modification: ZBP reserves the right to change and extend content and structure of the ZBP Career Platform if this does not, or only to a minor extent, impair the fulfillment of the purpose of the contract concluded with the Customer.

Inactivity: ZBP shall have the right to take the company profiles of Customers offline if they have not placed an order with ZBP in the last 12 months.

§12 Termination of contract:

Mutual termination of contract, cancellation policy: ZBP shall have full discretion to agree to the termination of a paid contractual relationship with the Customer. In such case, ZBP shall be entitled to charge a cancellation fee as a lump-sum compensation for the cost incurred in the amount of at least 30% of the consideration owed by the Customer without providing proof of the actual cost incurred. If ZBP agrees to the Customer’s termination of contracts concerning paid participation in events and fairs, the Customer acknowledges, without demanding proof, ZBP’s claim to a cancellation fee in an amount as follows: 100% (0 to 30 days prior to the start of the event), 80% (31 to 60 days prior to the start of the event), 50% (61 to 90 days prior to the start of the event), or 25% (91 to 120 days prior to the start of the event) of the participation fee due or already paid (including incidental costs) as lump-sum compensation for the cost incurred. ZBP reserves the right to make additional claims.

Termination of contract without notice by ZBP

ZBP shall have the right at any time to terminate the contract without any notice if the Customer has failed to meet its payment obligations or duty of cooperation after having been reminded and granted a respite, or in the event of other continued and material violations of the contract. Any infringement of the obligations under §11 shall in any case be considered a material contract violation.

This shall not affect the Customer’s payment obligation for any services already rendered or efforts already made by ZBP. In case of termination of a contract without notice which cover the participation in events or fairs, ZBP shall have a claim for compensation in the amount of the cancellation fee owed in the event of mutual termination of the contract.

If duties under §11 are violated, ZBP shall have the right to first impose the following sanctions instead of terminating the contractual relationship: Deletion or modification of content posted, issuing a formal warning, or blocking access to the ZBP Career Platform and/or the ZBP Community. As regards the sanction of blocking access, the reasonable suspicion shall be enough that the Customer has violated the duties associated with the use of the resources. The Customer will be able to avoid such blocking by dispelling any suspicion by providing suitable proof at its own expense.

§13 Copyright:

The copyright in ZBP’s documents shall rest exclusively with ZBP.

The copyright for any copyrighted contributions made by the Customer in ZBP Community remains with the Customer. Upon posting the contribution, the Customer shall grant ZBP the right to make such contribution permanently available on its websites. This right of use shall continue to exist even if the Community account is canceled.

To the extent that services have been rendered by ZBP according to the instructions or specifications, the Customer shall hold ZBP harmless and indemnified against any claims that are raised by third parties because of any violation of their industrial property rights or copyrights.

§14 Data protection:

Applicable data protection law: ZBP shall process personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (“GDPR”) and the Austrian Data Protection Act as amended.  Any further information on the processing of data in connection with the initiation, conclusion and performance of business transactions with prospects and business partners can be found in the Privacy Statement.

Cooperation in complying with information duties under data protection law: If, in connection with the with the initiation, or conclusion of a contract or in the course of the fulfilling a contractual relationship,  the Customer provides ZBP with personal data of third parties that work for the former or whose services the Customer employs in the course of its business activities (e.g., authorized persons, contacts), the Customer is obliged to inform such persons forthwith and in full about the processing of the data by ZBP as stated in the ZBP’s Privacy Statement.

§15 Provisions for order processing in publishing job ads and event information, applicant management, and handling of event registrations:

Subject, type and purpose of order processing: At the instruction of the Customer, ZBP will publish the Customer’s job ads or announcements of events concerning the latter on the Internet, which routinely entails the disclosure of personal data of such persons as the Customer has named as its representatives or contacts with regard to the advertised position or the announced event. Moreover, ZBP will offer the Customer the possibility to edit and manage job applications and event registrations by users via the ZBP Career Platform.

Persons concerned, type of data: The persons concerned by order processing done on the Customer’s behalf are

  1. employees of the Customer or other persons who work for the Customer on whatever legal basis: Data categories covered by order processing are names and contact information of the persons concerned as well as their company affiliation and content of their correspondence;
  2. Users: Data categories covered by order processing with regard to the persons concerned are name, contact information, nationality, data on education, professional experience, skills, hobbies and interests, as well as content of their correspondence.

Duration of order processing: Order processing by ZBP shall end upon deletion of the Customer’s customer account.

ZBP’s duty to follow instructions: In its capacity as order processor, ZBP undertakes to use data only within the scope of the order placed by the Customer and to follow the client’s instructions directed at processing such data. If ZBP is served with a court or other official order to disclose data that are processed on the Customer’s behalf, the former, unless precluded by mandatory legal regulations, shall notify the Customer forthwith and refer the court or any other authority to the Customer. ZBP will inform the Customer forthwith if it believes that a directive by the Customer contradicts provisions of GDPR or other mandatory data protection regulations of the European Union or the Austrian Data Protection Act.

Confidentiality: ZBP shall guarantee that the persons working at ZBP who are authorized to process personal data have agreed to confidentiality or are subject to reasonable duty of confidentiality otherwise.  

Data security: ZBP warrants that all required measures have been taken in its company to guarantee the security of data processing pursuant to Art 32 GDPR.

Rights of persons concerned: ZBP shall take any necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure that the Customer is able to duly fulfill all rights that persons concerned may have under Articles 12 to 22 GDPR.

Duty of support: Taking into account the type of processing and the information available, ZBP is obliged to support the Customer in complying with the duties stated in Articles 32 to 36 GDPR.

Information and inspection rights of the Customer: ZBP is obliged to provide the Customer at its request with the necessary information to prove compliance with the obligations stated in this §15 and to allow reviews - including inspections - conducted by the Customer or any auditor commissioned by the latter.

Return or deletion: Upon completion of order processing, ZBP shall, at the Customer’s discretion, immediately delete or hand over to the Customer any and all processing results and documents containing data.

Duties of the Customer: The Customer alone shall be responsible for assessing the proper handling of processing pursuant to Art 6 para 1 GDPR as well as for safeguarding the rights of persons concerned under Articles 12 to 22 GDPR.

Place of execution of data processing: Order data processing will be executed via data processing facilities (“Servers”) physically located in Switzerland. The transfer of data to Switzerland is covered by an Adequacy Decision of the European Commission pursuant to Art 45 para 1 GDPR (“Commission Decision  2000/518/EC of the Commission on the adequate protection of personal data provided in Switzerland”, ABl. L 2000/215, 1).

In addition, the WU ZBP Career Center uses data processors on a case-by-case basis in accordance with Art 28 GDPR, which may also be located in another third country. If data is transferred to a third country, this is done either based on an adequacy decision of the European Commission pursuant to Art 45 GDPR or on concluded standard contractual clauses pursuant to Art 46 para 2 lit c GDPR.

Subprocessors: ZBP employs the services of Talentwerk AG, Rosenbergstrasse 60, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland, to operate and maintain as well as continue to develop the ZBP Career Platform. In performing its duties, Talentwerk AG may from time to time incidentally receive data processed on the Customer’s behalf and will thus become active as a subprocessor of ZBP. The Customer specifically agrees to employing Talentwerk AG as a subprocessor. Beyond the above, ZBP shall not use the services of any other subprocessor without the Customer’s prior explicit consent.

§16 Exclusion of liability:

No warranty: Any claims from warranty against ZBP shall be excluded.

Exclusion of liability for slight negligence: Any liability of ZBP for slight negligence shall be excluded. The Customer shall have to prove any fault on the part of ZBP.

No liability for lost profit or consequential damage: ZBP’s liability shall be restricted to the direct loss. Any liability for lost profit or indirect damage shall be excluded to the extent that is legally possible, and any claim for damages shall be capped in its amount at the total consideration of the last twelve months before occurrence of the damage.

Statute of Limitations: Any claims for damages shall expire 6 months from the time at which the damage and the party causing the damage become known, but in any case one year after the service has been provided.

No guarantee of success: ZBP shall not guarantee the conclusion of a contract of employment or any minimum number or quality of applications or profiles and shall not be liable for any investments made by the Customer in connection with the conclusion of a contract, e.g., in the hope of a minimum number of applicants. Nor shall ZBP guarantee a certain number of replies or a certain number of profiles with a specific search criterion.

No review obligation; Contractual services shall not include the review of documents submitted to ZBP by the Customer or by applicants. In particular, applicants themselves will not be checked for their professional competence. Consequently, any liability for the accuracy of such content and claims by applicants shall be excluded.

No liability for content: ZBP shall not assume any liability for content published by the Customer or other users on ZBP Career Platform (including within ZBP Community). This shall apply in particular to the accuracy of published information.

No liability for uninterrupted operation of ZBP Career Platform: ZBP shall endeavor to offer access to its ZBP Career Platform without any interruption as far as possible. However, ZBP shall offer no guarantee and assume no liability for uninterrupted operation of ZBP Career Platform, any loss of or damage to content contributed to the Platform by the Customer, or ZBP Career Platform being free of computer viruses or any other harmful mechanisms.

The electronic transfer and transmission of any data shall be effected at the Customer’s risk.

ZBP shall not assume any cost in case additional services, hardware, or data are required for using the ZBP Career Platform, the Profiles, or their content.

Exclusion of liability for print orders: ZBP shall not be liable for any typesetting or other errors in galley proofs and press proofs that have been released by the Customer.

Exclusion of liability for any items entrusted to ZBP to fulfill orders:  Any liability shall be excluded for items entrusted by the Customer to fulfill an order (films, data storage devices, etc.). After expiry of a 2-year period, ZBP will have the right to destroy such items without the Customer’s separate consent.

§17 Final provisions:

Changes to contracts: Any changes to contracts, amendments or side agreements shall require the written form to be effective. This shall also apply to a change to the requirement of the written form.

Invalidity:  Should individual provisions of he present AGB be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the other provisions hereof. The invalid provision shall be replaced by such provision as most closely reflects the economic intention of the invalid provision.

Written form: ZBP will communicate with the Customer orally or in writing. Written form shall be taken to mean communication by letter, fax, or email, as well as any communication form on the ZBP Career Platform.

Contact address: Customers can contact ZBP at the following address: WU ZBP Career Center GmbH, Welthandelsplatz 1, LC Building, Vienna 1020, Austria, office(at)zbp(dot)at.

Place of performance: The place named by ZBP in the order confirmation shall be the place of performance for all services. If no place of performance is stated in the order confirmation, such place of performance shall be Vienna.

Applicable law, place of jurisdiction: Austrian law shall apply exclusively under exclusion of international rules on conflicts. The court competent for Vienna 1010 shall be the exclusive place of jurisdiction.